Blame It On The Rain

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Blame It On The Rain

Inclimate weather, like rain, can have a serious impact on sales and revenue for small businesses.

What is the best option to combat this?

Neither is correct, of course (although having a good cry can be cathartic).

The fact of the matter is that most business owners don’t have the technology in place to know whether or not rain is affecting their business. Nor do they have the time to sit down and study their sales versus the weather on any given day.

The Insights app on Clover will let them know the affect weather has on their business.

Okay, so they know that fewer customers come through the door when it’s raining, but no one can change the weather.

Insights will not change the weather, but it will let the business know how similar businesses are affected by the weather. Then, it will give them the option to run rainy day specials through social media or an email campaign driving in more business through the rain.

What’s more, Insights will show business owners where their customers live and shop so that they can target them. They will have a full view of who their customers are and what they are buying, so they can run promotions and make sure they have their favorite things in stock.

Quickly they will change from customers into raving fans who will gladly battle the elements to get in the door.

When you’re on the FFUSA team, you have about 100 years of record-setting experience just a phone call away. We are here to help you strategize, target, problem solve, close deals, and get you to the point where you have freedom.

Talk with us today. We’ll help part the clouds and lead you down the path to freedom with the sun on your back.


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