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The Do's & the Don't's When Navigating a New Business
Wednesday, August 9, 2017 | 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.Join our expert panel as they explore income potential in credit card processing and what to avoid.
John Eliason
Chuck Fowler
VP of Sales
Spike Humer
Business Development Strategist
When it comes to merchant services, there are preconceived notions and stigmas. It’s no surprise that when the industry is able to make money like banks, sales professionals can fall off the tracks rather quickly.
We didn’t want to be like the other guys.
That’s why First Financial Merchant Services (FFUSA) changed the book of business to focus and nurture our advisors. When the advisors feel appreciated, our merchants do too.
Hear from our Founder/CEO, John Eliason, VP, Chuck Fowler & Business Development Strategist, Spike Humer about:
What we changed to be different
Our process to get you free
Our way is far from traditional sales methods (cough, cough, cold calling). If you’re up for the challenge – join us on our call.