Press 1 for English, Press 2 for Minnesotan

“I could never understand the people that answered the customer service line at my last processing company. If we can’t understand each other how are they really going to help me? It was frustrating.”

We hear this over and over again from new clients from all over the US. Often, they would get frustrated having to call into New York, El Paso, or worse, the dreaded off shore call center.

We understand and take this concern to heart and made the decision to hire good people that speak many languages, like Ashley. Her first language is Minnesotan, but she is fluent in Wisconsin, Iowan, and both Dakota dialects.

Her chipper personality and long “ohs” are like a warm plate of tater-tot hot dish on a snowy day.

With phrases like “yah”, “uff da!”, and “oh sure”, you will feel the magic of world-class customer service paired with Minnesota nice.

When you partner with FFUSA we aim to give you an elite level of customer service unattainable elsewhere + we speak your language.

Ope, we almost forgot to give ya a link in case you want to speak to someone about setting up an account, click here.

Stay warm.